I started suffering from cystitis about 10 years ago.
After some research, I found that every cystitis was generated by E.coli, and I associated these cystitis episodes with times when I suffered from constipation. Then, the episodes were getting closer and closer together, until I was having pain every 2 months.
My last cystitis was in April 2020, in the midst of lockdown, when the only thing I had available to me was a computer.
I was desperate, even had hemorrhages, sharp pains like knives piercing my belly and right side.
I came across the Dimann products site and ordered everything that the kind staff members recommended: Dimann Flogo, Daily, Puro, and Flor. I followed exactly everything on the package insert.
Since that April 2020, I have not had a disabling episode of cystitis.
It happens that I feel a little heaviness at times, but just reinitiate the Dimann treatment and I am immediately better.
Now for example, I take a capsule of Dimann Puro every night before going to bed, just to be more peaceful.
Thanks to Dimann, I am no longer afraid!