My dear friend,
if you have decided to open this article, it is likely that you want to learn more about vulvodynia and understand whether, indeed, there is a correlation between this chronic pain and cystitis.
So let’s get some clarity together by talking about a disorder from which so many women today suffer and about which not enough is said yet. ❤
Vulvodynia is chronic pain in the vulva, vagina, or genitals that affects 16% of women.
We know, vulvar and vaginal pain are common symptoms of various conditions, including infections and skin disorders. However, vulvodynia is different: we are talking about constant pain that can even last for months.
But the real ‘bummer’ is that it is not an obvious symptom of a specific condition, and the pain can be so intense that it prevents us from doing the activities we enjoy most.
Yeah, quite a nuisance. 🥺
You should know that there are two types of vulvodynia and that they are classified according to where the pain originates:
At present, the true causes of vulvodynia are unknown, but research has identified some possible triggers such as:
In principle, any gynecologist can observe this widely prevalent problem, but it often risks going undiagnosed for years. The lack of scientific studies and the tendency to underestimate vulvodynia creates so much discomfort for women who suffer from it, who are often told that they are ‘hypochondriacs,’ going so far as to attribute their symptoms to other diseases.
And here we come to us: let’s talk now about the relationship between vulvodynia and cystitis.
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The main symptom of vulvodynia is persistent pain in and around the vulva and vagina. This constant, stinging, throbbing pain can be triggered by stimulation, for example, during sexual intercourse or the insertion of tampons.
Pain during sex is one reason why we may tend to rule out any other symptoms and diagnose post-coital cystitis.
Not surprisingly, some symptoms of vulvodynia overlap with those of a typical UTI (urinary tract infection), such as vaginal burning, vaginal pressure, frequency and urgency to urinate.
But it doesn’t end there.
Some women may suffer from other disorders, such as interstitial cystitis (which a recent study compared with vulvodynia, finding many similarities), vaginismus, irritable bowel syndrome, and severe menstrual pain.
It is well understood that, if undiagnosed, vulvodynia can cause serious harm to sufferers, even going as far as:
This silence can also make many women feel even more alone, leading them to believe that ‘it’s all in their head’ and that there is nothing to worry about.
And that is exactly why it is important to talk about it because, remember, you are never alone. ❤️
The treating physician-but also the gynecologist, urologist, obstetrician, or physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation-will diagnose vulvodynia by ruling out other conditions that might cause the pain.
In this case, the specialist will ask about medical, sexual, and surgical history, but also about symptoms, including where the pain is felt, the burning sensation, when the vulva hurts, and its intensity.
Tests and procedures used to diagnose vulvodynia may include:
In rare cases, the physician may order a colposcopy or biopsy of the vulva to rule out conditions unrelated to vulvodynia that could be causing the pain.
I hope this article was helpful to you. Remember, if you have any questions, I am here. 🥰
I give you a big hug,
Read also: Why in the presence of diabetes increases the risk of occurrence of cystitis