Hello Friend,
The secret is teamwork!
Sometimes destiny is not always on our side. Still, collaboration and mutual confrontation can allow us to reach new awareness and confidence that we perhaps did not think we possessed before.
Together and supporting each other, I will explain how cystitis can lead to upper urinary tract infection complications.
We’ll make it through this one too, and if you have any needs, you can always write to me. 😊
Our body never ceases to amaze us, both positively and negatively: in addition to cystitis, some complications can affect the upper urinary tract.
Always remember: the secret is teamwork. ❤️
To give you a little more clarity right away, the most common urinary tract infection is the one that causes cystitis.
It is a type of infection that affects the lower part of the urinary tract: the bladder and the urethra (the channel that carries urine from the bladder to the outside).
However, suppose these are not treated properly. In that case, they can expand to the upper urinary tract, involving the ureters (the ducts that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder) and the kidneys. 👈
And this is, unfortunately, where we talk about upper urinary tract infections.
The upper urinary tract infection leads to the so-called Pyelonephritis: an inflammation that usually involves the kidneys (the two small organs that produce urine) and the renal pelvis (the basin in which the urine produced is collected and then transported to the ureters and bladder).
Pyelonephritis is usually caused by the now well-known and under-appreciated bacterium, Escherichia Coli, found in our intestine, and often depends on the neglect of a lower urinary tract infection that travels up to the kidneys.😦
Other factors can contribute to developing this type of infection, such as:
They are phases, and we can’t be at our best all the time, but with the right team, we can do it. 🥰
Let’s proceed together, finding out what the warning signs are for this type of infection.⚠️
Common symptoms of cystitis may include, for example, a frequent urge to urinate, pain and a burning sensation, or cloudy, foul-smelling urine.
Upper urinary tract infection usually manifests itself with immediate and sometimes different warning signs, such as:
I know, this entire list might be scary, and you’d have every reason to be, but you’re not alone! 👪
Collaboration is the first keyword!
Contact your primary care physician now and discuss this with them further.😊
Suppose you are diagnosed with an upper urinary tract infection. In that case, a kidney ultrasound and urine culture could be really helpful in accurately diagnosing an upper urinary tract infection, and I recommend following the prescribed antibiotic therapy.
In the meantime, if you have continued bacteria in your bladder, I suggest you try Dimann Puro made with 100% Pure D-Mannose 💊: a simple natural sugar that allows you to expel bacteria through your urine and in a way that respects your well-being.
Sharing is the second keyword!
Let’s play it by ear thanks to your contribution 💪, with practical ways to keep urinary infections at bay:
Cunning is our last word!
Prevent with Dimann Daily: its formulation is ideal for hindering the appearance of new infections and inflammations of the bladder. 💮
Don’t be afraid to ask for help: teamwork also involves taking advantage, in a good way, of the knowledge and skills of others.
So, know, that we Dimann girls will always be your allies. 💌
In the end, “the great thing about teamwork is that you’ll always have someone on your side!”
Big hug!