Urine: how it is composed and what it tells us about our state of health


  1. Bladder: Urine composition
  2. Bladder: Urine tests


Dear Friend,

Do you ever wonder what urine is made of and why it is so important?
I know, it’s not such a pleasant topic of conversation, and at times, we find it awkward.

However, urine is part of everyone: from the newborn child to the elderly; from the Oscar-winning actress to the lady who just opened a small shop down the street; from the schoolboy to the handsome man with the beard we see in commercials.,

So why not talk quietly about our urine? In the end, it’s simply urine, and it even sounds good as a name.

Now what?
Now, all we have to do is start our chat! 😊

If, however, you like us to talk about it directly in chat, feel free to contact me!


Bladder: Urine composition

Let’s get some clarity on our ideas of urine! What do you say?
So, let’s tackle this topic “little X”, step by step.💪

The urinary system comprises:

  • Kidneys, which provide for the production of urine.
  • Ureter, a conduit that allows urine to pass from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • Bladder, the sphere that contains urine
  • The urethra, tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the body.

A ripple effect!

The function of the urinary system is very important because it allows the production and elimination of urine.

Yep, all connected right.🤗


But what about the urine?

Urine is the liquid waste solution produced by the kidneys: it accumulates in the urinary bladder and is excreted through the urethra.

The kidneys constantly filter out waste, harmful and foreign substances in the blood and convert them into the urine.

Just think, a person typically produces 1.5 liters of urine per day!
If you drink more fluids, of course, it will produce more urine.

Under normal conditions, urine is composed mainly of:

  • Water, 95%;
  • Urea, a chemical compound and waste substance that tells you a lot about your kidney health and proper functioning;
  • Urea nitrogen comes from the disposal of proteins and is contained in the urea;
  • Sodium, most of the sodium introduced with food (about 90%) is eliminated with urine. Its values are measured to assess the amount of sodium introduced daily and proper kidney function;
  • Mineral salts (calcium, potassium and magnesium);
  • Uric acid, a waste substance of cell metabolism.

And knowing all this, what good does it do me?🤔

The composition of urine is crucial because it gives you information about different physiological and pathological processes occurring in the body.

To get the best readings and advice on the health of your urine, always consult your doctor!


Bladder: Urine tests

What do you say we continue our conversation?
I prefer to gossip with my friends too, but come on, it’s not that completely unpleasant of a topic.🌺

Have you ever had someone tell you “you need to get a urine test”?

I think you do because it happens to everyone over and over again!
Quietly, we make them and follow the directions received, but is our urine that interesting?

Dearest, the urine test has incredible power because it allows you to evaluate many parameters that can tell you if any abnormalities or diseases are going on. 😮

Thanks to this, you receive very useful information, especially if you suspect that you have urinary tract infections such as cystitis, suffer from kidney disease or have any kidney stones.

What are the key indicators that can help me understand?

1. Nitrites
Bacteria often form nitrites, and their presence is a big clue to urinary tract infections. In your urine, there should be very little nitrite or none.

If your urine is described as “sterile,” that’s good news because it means you currently have no bacteria and other microorganisms in your urine.🥰

Also called white blood cells, they defend your body from attacks by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or other external factors.
In most cases, a significant presence in the urine turns on the light for an ongoing inflammation (including bladder infection).

Normally, we have traces of Leukocytes (less than 5/10 leukocytes per microliter of urine).

A highamount of protein in the urine, called proteinuria, often indicates a kidney-related problem. But their level can also rise temporarily after physical activity, following emotional stress or taking certain medications, during pregnancy or when you have a fever.

4.pH Urine
The pH scale varies from 0 to 14.

Urine is considered “alkaline” when the pH is greater than 7.0 (high values are often found in people who suffer from urinary tract infections). It is defined as “acidic pH” when the value is lower than 5 (urine that is too acidic can promote kidney stones).

The optimal pH is “neutral “, when it oscillates around the numbers 6/7 or never below 5 and never above 8.👍
The value may depend on many factors, such as diet, kidney function, presence of cystitis or use of medications.

The appearance of urine when you are healthy should be clear.
Urine called “turbid” is urine that, as soon as it is collected, has practically a “bad wax“, is not clear and often indicates an incorrect functioning of the urinary system.

Normally the color of urine resembles that of beer: clear and soft yellow, but it can also vary depending on what you eat, drink or what products you take in.👌

Cloudy, grey/green urine indicate urinary tract infections or kidney stones, while red urine (hematuria) shows that we have blood in our urine and, again, could be a sign of bladder inflammation, urinary infections or kidney disease.

If your urine smells bad, there could be infections and inflammations going on that would affect your urinary system, but an unpleasant smell could also depend on poor hydration, the ingestion of specific foods (e.g. asparagus, cabbage) or some medications.

As you just read, urine speaks volumes about your health. 💗
To receive a definite diagnosis, always rely on your doctor: don’t get excited right away.


Did you enjoy our talk?
If you wish to continue, you can write to me directly here.👈

I invite you to read our article to help you find the diagnosis for your tailor-made course based on the values indicated by the urine test. 😘

A virtual hug and see you next time!


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