Types of Cystitis

  1. Types of cystitis according to the cause
  2. Cystitis phase by phase
  3. Types of cystitis according to age or particular moments of life
  4. Summary


Dear friend,

You know the saying “You can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”? When everything is lumped together without making any distinctions, you make a big deal out of everything.

Why do I pull that expression out of my hat? Simple: I notice that people often make a big deal out of everything, even in the field of cystitis.

Are you burning? It’s cystitis, drink lots of water!
Do you constantly pee? It’s definitely cystitis. Take that antibiotic I was advised to take too..”

Nothing could be more wrong, dear friend!
Behind the word cystitis lies a world.

A world of causes, triggers, and different situations closely related to the person’s body.

We absolutely cannot afford to generalize!

In the book “The Art of War” the author states, “He who knows his enemy and knows himself will be able to face a hundred battles without fear.”

That’s exactly why today I want you to become more aware of cystitis yourself so you can arrive more readier than ever for your next battle.

All the women I’ve helped have come through here and read this article.

Let’s get started!

We will classify the various types of cystitis according to:

  1. Cause;
  2. Phase;
  3. Age or particular moments in life.


Types of cystitis according to the cause

Cystitis is not just a matter of bacteria!

You don’t know how many women who contact me tell me they have cystitis and decided to take the first antibiotic available at home.

I understand that sometimes, taken in desperation, it may seem like the only solution, but without a proper prescription, it could do more harm than good.

Every time I face a situation such as this, I realize how little information there is about cystitis!

Before jumping into DIY, it’s a priority to hear from your doctor, get a urinalysis, and figure it out:

  1. if the discomfort indicates cystitis (confirmed by tests);
  2. What causes cystitis (it does not always depend on bacteria).

About this second point, we can classify various types of cystitis according to the cause:


1) Cystitis: cause infection

The cause is pathogens (bacteria, viruses, or fungi) that, for various reasons, enter the bladder (which, under normal conditions, is a sterile environment).

These evil little critters attack the walls of your bladder (which are rich in nutrients they can feed on), causing an inflammatory response from our immune system.

When we are faced with this situation, we talk about lower urinary tract infections.

Eighty percent of so-called bacterial cystitis is caused by Escherichia Coli, a bacterium of intestinal origin.

If you recognize yourself in this cause of cystitis and want to know how best to treat and prevent it, we can talk about it together here (as I mentioned, so many women contact me every day).

If, instead, you want to deepen on your own read Cystitis and d-mannose.

If you are currently experiencing an attack of cystitis caused by E. coli, consider purchasing our E. coli Cystitis Kit immediately.


2) Cystitis: non-infectious cause

By definition, cystitis is an inflammation of the bladderthat can develop even in the total absence of unwanted guests. When the cause of cystitis is not the presence of pathogens, it is called abacterial cystitis.

So, if it’s not bacteria irritating the bladder, why does it get inflamed?

Simple, there are so many other “irritating” factors.

To give you some examples:

  • Some foods and drinks can irritate the walls of your bladder (sugars, sugary drinks, alcohol, and so on). “Junk” food can be the potential cause of inflammation in your bladder (and other organs).
    Speaking of food, I would like to point out that even food intolerances (especially gluten or lactose) can play their part in worsening the vulnerability to cystitis. Later you can read our dietary advice to prevent cystitis
  • Kidney stones that tend to “scratch” the lining of your bladder.
  • Urine with a too acidic pH.
  • Interstitial cystitis is also called painful bladder syndrome.
  • Autoimmunity, which is an abnormality in the functioning of the immune system.

If you suffer from this type of cystitis, take a look at the bacterial Cystitis Kit.


3) Causes asymptomatic bacteriuria

This is a special situation:

– Which you might not even notice because, as the name implies, it has no symptoms;
– Which is not to be treated except in special situations.

No, I don’t want to underestimate the situation.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria is nothing more than bacteria (even in masses) in the urine that does not involve inflammation of the bladder.

This is a condition where the bacteria are harmless, or your immune system can keep them at bay (hence the lack of inflammation and actual cystitis).


4) Cystitis: cause sexual intercourse

Post-relationship cystitis (properly called post-coital or honeymoon cystitis) develops due to the formation of micro-lesions along with the vaginal tissue and the mechanical trauma of sexual intercourse.

These small lesions can be breeding grounds for bacteria or other pathogens.

The rich family of bacteria that will be formed can travel up to the bladder via the urethra (the duct from which urine comes out, not too far from the vaginal area).

24-72 hours after sexual intercourse, cystitis may occur.

Warning: it doesn’t happen to all of them, of course! (And thankfully, I’d say).

If you recognize yourself in this cause, you can delve into our Post-Coital Cystitis Kit remedy.


5) Other pathologies

It ofetn happens that we automatically think of cystitis when we feel the urge to go to pee, when the pee burns, etc.

I’ll repeat it, talking to your medical professional and getting a urinalysis is critical because:

– Allows you to have a real diagnosis of cystitis (not just based on your intuition), but to understand what type of cystitis it is. And be prescribed an ad hoc therapy, avoiding taking random remedies that, in the long term, can only worsen the situation!

Okay, Lorenza but I can’t stand it. The pain is killing me!

I hear this phrase a lot.

I hear you (then again, I’ve been there for several years).

I want you to know that there is a way to keep the symptoms at bay before doing the urinalysis (first morning urine should be collected).

Do you want to know how? Contact me in chat by clicking here.

– The typical symptoms of cystitis do not always correspond to cystitis but are warnings of other pathologies affecting the pelvic area (vulvodynia, pelvic neuropathy, pelvic floor contracture, and much more).

In this second case, we can speak of false cystitis.


Cystitis phase by phase

Regardless of the type of cystitis, we can divide three phases, three different moments to which correspond, usually, different therapeutic approaches.

The acute phase of cystitis


It’s time for the bombardment.

The acute phase of cystitis is the moment characterized by the arrival of the annoying symptoms. Bladder inflammation is going on, and your body sends you signals through pain, burning, and that constant urge to pee urgently.

Needless to describe it further, I guess you know what I’m talking about (unfortunately).

What to do?

  • Diagnosis. Some time ago, I wrote an in-depth article on this subject: “A precise diagnosis for a tailor-made path“.
    If you’ve never delved into this, take advantage of it!
  • Talk to your doctor, who, with analysis in hand, will direct you towards the most appropriate therapy.
  • For additional support, during the acute phase of bacterial or non-bacterial cystitis, count on my asking for help.

If you don’t want to waste time, discover our Acute Cystitis Kits now!



As the term itself suggests, there is something to be maintained.

After getting over the acute attack (in which, usually, antibiotics are prescribed), a phase begins in which you can enjoy some respite from the symptoms.

You’re cured, and you don’t think about it anymore, right?

Friend, this is a crucial phase in which you should not give up, but you need to keep the situation under control so that cystitis does not make you bad surprises again.

The maintenance phase means taking care of the well-being of your bladder. How?

You have to:

  • Reduce the inflammation still present (but milder than in the acute phase);
  • Repair your bladder from the damage caused by cystitis (I remind you that if the cause of your cystitis is bacteria, they gnaw at the walls of your bladder, that’s why it must be repaired!);
  • rinforzare le naturali difese immunitarie della vescica.

Take a look at our Dimann Daily: it contains all the key ingredients for a successful maintenance phase.


The prevention phase

What if you haven’t had cystitis for a while? Prevention is better than cure!

Good prevention starts with a good diet, a proper lifestyle, and identifying the factors that contribute to your cystitis returning and resolving them (again, your doctor will play a key role).

Discover our Prevention Kits.

Types of cystitis according to age or particular moments of life

The physiological changes (natural and inevitable) that occur throughout a woman’s life can have several influences on the propensity to develop episodes of cystitis.

Atevery age or particular times of life, such as pregnancy, cystitis has different causes and must be treated differently.

I want to give you a brief overview of the types of cystitis divided by age or time of life (for each, you will find an in-depth article).

  • Cystitis in children: cystitis in children is a normal phenomenon, but it manifests itself with symptoms profoundly different from those we may notice in an adult. My pediatrician always repeated that “the baby is not a small adult”.
    Never has he been more absolutely right than in this case!
  • Cystitis in pregnancy: at the particular time of a pregnancy, hormonal and physical changes can make it easier for harmful bacteria to grow and reproduce.
  • Cystitis in menopause: the decline in estrogen production (the female hormones par excellence), the inevitable changes in the vagina’s structure, and other discomforts that accompany the entry into menopause weaken the urogenital system of a woman.
  • Cystitis in the elderly: diabetes, relaxed pelvic muscles, urinary or faecal incontinence, hormonal changes, and a sedentary lifestyle are just some of the reasons that play a negative role and can contribute to the development of cystitis in older people.


Dear friend, have you seen the whole world hidden behind the one damn word “cystitis”?

Can you imagine the impact information can have versus navigating in the dark without knowing which direction to go?

If you’ve already left your email address here on the site, you’ve no doubt read my story and know how hard I work every day to help as many people as possible get to the bottom of their situation with cystitis.

If you haven’t already done so, you can do it now. Sign up by entering your email address in the space below (right after the summary).


A hug,





  • Each episode of cystitis can be related to different situations, predisposing factors, and causes. Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to investigate the type of cystitis and follow an ad hoc therapy that considers its particular characteristics.
  • We can classify cystitis based on causes: infection (presence of pathogenic organisms), inflammation without infection, intercourse cystitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria, and false cystitis (other diseases with symptoms similar to cystitis).
  • We can distinguish three main phases: the acute phase (the most painful and sudden), maintenance, and prevention. Each stage requires different attention and treatment.
  • Age and particular moments in life can also lead us to make distinctions. Cystitis can develop in childhood, pregnancy, menopause, or older age. Each of these is linked to specific predisposing factors.

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