Preventing Cystitis: Why it’s Important to Start When You’re Well

  1. The nine reasons to prevent cystitis
  2. Preventing cystitis: Where to start?
  3. Strengthening the bladder and keeping it clean


Preventing cystitis is one of the things you promise yourself to do immediately after coming out of an episode of sudden and painful cystitis. Or maybe you never did.
Preventing cystitis should become a daily habit, especially if you suffer from it often or if, in the past, you have developed one cystitis after another.I know having to think about cystitis and its prevention when you’re feeling alright makes it even more of a nightmare!
And so, perhaps out of superstition, you prefer not to think about it and use your energy for something else.

“As long as the boat’s going, let her go” is what the song says, does it?

But, have you ever thought about the price of having to stop suddenly when you least expect it?
Have you ever thought about how many benefits you’re not considering?

Starting to prevent cystitis when you’re well can give you complete benefits.
When I say complete, I it is not just your bladder that will thank you, but your whole body.Don’t you believe it?
I’ll give you some pointers right now!


The nine crucial reasons to prevent cystitis today

Try to think beyond the symptoms and annoyances of cystitis. The positive consequences of constant prevention embrace your all-round well-being:

  1. Prevention means getting there early. Getting there before bacteria (or other inflammatory agents) means avoiding new rounds of antibiotics.
  2. Cystitis has a cost: with the prevention, you will save a lot of money (among medical visits, various examinations, medicines, and…stress).
  3. No bouts of cystitis = no more endless queues in waiting rooms.
  4. Your immune system won’t be exposed to the risk of long-term problems such as, for example, bacterial flora imbalance.
  5. The benefits of prevention go beyond just the concept of cystitis. If you prevent cystitis, you prevent Candida and other intimate problems.
  6. Sexual intercourse will once again become an enjoyable time.
  7. You won’t have to take time off work for sudden bouts of cystitis.
  8. You’ll be able to travel peacefully.
  9. Anxiety about new attacks will disappear.

Preventing cystitis is not only easier and cheaper than treating it with every attack. Preventing cystitis is a release from a condition that continually threatens your physical and mental health.


Preventing cystitis: Where to start?

Cystitis is the most common lower urinary tract infection and a major cause of antibiotic prescription. Usually, it is generated as a result of bacterial contamination of the bladder.

The lifetime risk of developing cystitis episodes is estimated to be around 50% in women, with at least a third of episodes occurring before 24.
Approximately 5% of women develop chronic cystitis after their first cystitis, while 25-30% of the entire female population will develop recurrences during their lifetime.

How would this data change if you just rethink the way you deal with cystitis?

While some aspects, such as female anatomy, cannot be worked on, there are many other things you can work on.

I’m not going to give you any magic formula, but I will try to summarize some actions and habits you can put into practice to get going.

It doesn’t matter how motivated you are to prevent cystitis: it’s much more vital to get started.
Motivation will come by doing and seeing the first results.


💚Prevent every time you pee.

Peeing doesn’t have to be a hasty action.

You need to make sure you’ve emptied your bladder properly.
Take your time and contract your bladder with the help of your abdominal muscles. When you’re done, take a 10-second break before you put your clothes back on to see if you’ve really emptied your bladder.


💚Pee more often

There is a limit beyond which holding your pee can become detrimental to your health.
Don’t hold back! When you feel the urge, look for a bathroom.

Make sure you drink enough so that the urge to pee comes back about every three hours.
Observe the color of your urine: if it is too dark, your urine is too concentrated, and you will need to drink more.

Avoid, at all costs, risking being dehydrated. Even when you’re not home, carry water with you at all times.
In short, make sure that whatever activity you do, drinking water regularly is always in your plans.


💚Understand what triggers your cystitis

The causes of cystitis are not the same for everyone.
To understand what causes are related to your cystitis, experiment.


Try to make small, lasting changes:

  • If there are any foods or beverages that you believe may be affecting you, reduce their consumption or eliminate them from your diet. In this regard, I wrote “Diet for cystitis: how to fight it starting from the diet“.
  • If you have intestinal or vaginal problems, follow up with a specialist;
  • If you know that you have habits that could be negatively affecting your bladder health, be smart and make a change;
  • If you discover you have cystitis after intercourse, try to figure out if there is enough lubrication and do a pelvic floor assessment;
  • Understand if there are any predisposing factors typical of your age or current condition. Cystitis has different causes in pregnancy, menopause, in older people, or during the menstrual cycle.


💚Exaggerating with intimate hygiene doesn’t help you prevent it.

One of the first things people do, especially those following the first episodes of cystitis, is to wash their private areas obsessively.
Intimate hygiene is an essential habit. When, however, it is excessive, it can become counterproductive.

The use of disinfecting detergents, for example, could cause damage to those “good” bacteria that, on the contrary, serve to defend you.
It may sound strange, but the vagina is self-cleaning.

Instead, pay special attention to cleaning the anal area after going to the bathroom.

💚Strengthen the bladder and keep it clean of unwanted guests

When you have cystitis, you want to turn off the darn symptoms as soon as possible.
So, you resort to antibiotics, perhaps the first available at home, without having first done the in-depth tests.

However, there is one aspect that is always overlooked: bladder health.

Have you ever found that you continue to have certain symptoms even after cystitis has ended?
They were probably a sign of a still weak and debilitated bladder.

Think about how much more this can affect the likelihood of cystitis coming back.

Don’t feel bad,. Maybe no one has ever pointed this out to you before.

Am I wrong?

Preventing cystitis is also this: taking care of the bladder to arrive strong and ready to face future threats.

We have formulated the Dimann Daily precisely for this purpose. Its ingredients inflame, repair, and strengthen the bladder walls. In addition, thanks to d-mannose, the Dimann Daily allows you to do a daily cleaning of unwanted bacteria.

Dude, you can’t magically achieve real, lasting results. The path to get out of the vicious circle of cystitis requires your attention, but it will give you a lot of satisfaction.


How about you start right by following these little tips of mine? 😉


P.S.: If you have any doubts or want to tell me your story, I’m at your disposal whenever you want!

A hug,



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