
    1. Causes of Constipation
    2. Treatment and prevention
    3. Synthesis


Hello Friend,

Tell me you felt pregnant without actually being pregnant.

There are days of abdominal bloating, unsuccessful attempts to go to the bathroom, internet searches, and the desire to take extreme remedies to turn the situation around.

Constipation (constipation for friends) is pure DISEASE.

It’s a common phenomenon when there’s something important to do, right at the tip of the hat.
And maybe all you see around you are light, graceful people with perfectly flat stomachs.

How much would you want to curse everything and everyone?

Take it easy!
Like all taboo phenomena, which are difficult to talk about openly, constipation is more widespread than you might think.

Approximately 80% of people who suffer from Constipation are women.
What else is new? All “fortunes” ALWAYS happen to us women!

I have to admit, I was a big part of that 80%.
I’m speaking in the past tense because, when I was tired of feeling a blowfish, I contacted an old acquaintance: Dr Ilaria Ravanelli, a specialist in human nutrition science.

Today, I’d like to share everything I’ve learned from comparing myself to her with you. ๐Ÿ™‚


Constipation is a condition that is not necessarily pathological and can be associated with difficulty expelling stool. Sometimes there may be an altered quality of stool or be too thick. The characteristics of which Constipation is queen are:

  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation.
  • obstruction or intestinal blockage.
  • Poor regularity.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Constipation is characterized by excessive exertion without success.


Causes of Constipation

Dr Ilaria Ravanelli explained to me that the causes of constipation are twofold:

  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

But they can also contribute:

  • Stress or psychological factors.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction (the complex of muscles and ligaments that close off the lower part of the abdominal cavity and keep the pelvic organs – bladder, vagina, urethra, rectum – in the right position).
  • Medications (analgesics/antidepressants).
  • Various diseases (celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and hypothyroidism).

It is very important to trace the cause of this condition. She advised me to perform clinical and other tests to eliminate some pathological diagnoses and work on the problem later to figure out how to do this.

Okay, but in practice? What to do?

In order of depth, here are some suggestions from Ilaria:

  1. The first step is to gather with your doctor all the symptoms you are suffering from, give your doctor a description of your lifestyle, and list the medications you are (and if) taking.
  2. The second step involves the exclusion ofsystemic diseases (diabetes or hypothyroidism); neurological diseases (Parkison, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis) and the evaluation of various and possible pharmacological treatments.
  3. Subsequently, examinations can be done, including assessing the anorectal region, pelvic floor analysis, blood tests, and instrumental tests such as colonoscopy.

When we are faced with cases of constipation, more often than not, we are dealing with cases of Functional Constipation with normal and not altered intestinal transit, but slowed down and resolvable with a greater intake of fiber in the diet and increased hydration.” – Dr Ilaria Ravanelli.


Treatment and prevention

Let me ask you a question.
When faced with an uncomfortable situation, do you act immediately to get rid of it or do you wait for it to pass on its own?

You’re very likely to answer the first option, aren’t you?
Well, when faced with the discomfort of constipation, you have no more excuses. Here’s how to take action now:

  1. Try to hydrate constantly and throughout the day (usually two liters of water per day).
  2. Eat very carefully.
    Here, she suggested I consume an adequate portion of fiber, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and favor whole grains and legumes as a source of protein in my daily life. There is no need to measure anything like grams. Instead, follow the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet, which indicate: three portions of fruit per day, two portions of vegetables per day, and a frequent intake of legumes and whole grains.
  3. Get physical activity and exercise daily.
    Our hectic schedules do not always allow for daily physical activity (between work, family, home, and friends), but we may decide to walk short distances or take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    However, I believe we have the right to take some time for our physical and mental well-being. What do you think? So, I’ve decided to incorporate some Pilates or a brisk walk into my routine before or after work.
  4. Take “Dimann Flor” milk enzymes.
    These, help to rebalance and reorder the intestinal and vaginal bacterial flora, nourishing the good bacteria and promoting the intestine’s functioning. They are an excellent support to adjust and support it.

These are small, but great tips that can support you for your gut wellness.๐Ÿงก

Finally, and here I return to my specialty, treating constipation properly also means wiping out a factor that could lead to the development of cystitis. Constipation, with its slowing down and stagnant stool, could lead to the formation and proliferation of bacteria colonies.
To find out how to treat cystitis that depends on bacteria, read Cystitis and D-mannose.


I hope this understanding of constipation help you to not feel the discomfort of heavines,s both physically and psychologically, as I did.

If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to write me in chat or via email ๐Ÿ˜Š

A virtual hug!




Constipation is a condition that is not necessarily pathological and can be associated with difficulty in the expulsion of stool, often caused by improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
Constipation can best be treated by tracing its case, excluding pathological diagnoses, and following these tips:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Follow a proper diet with the right ratio of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Physical activity and daily exercises.
  • Take milk enzymes, Dimanm Flor, to reorder the intestinal and vaginal bacterial flora.



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