surely you must have had some general follow-up examinations to make sure that everything was okay, and among these, there will probably have been urine tests.
Maybe you picked up the report, read that there were traces of bacterial flora and wondered what it meant.
Nothing serious. In this article I will try to dispel your doubts, and start by telling you what values are considered ‘normal’ when it comes to bacterial flora in urine.
When you go for a urine test to detect the presence of bacterial load, you should test negative because urine, unlike feces, is sterile.
This happens when the measured values are less than 100,000 CFU (Colony Forming Units, hence bacteria) per milliliter.
If the value is in the range of 10,000-100,000 CFU/ml, then the result is considered ‘doubtful,’ while the outcome is positive if the 100,000 CFU/ml is exceeded.
So, now you must be wondering what happens if the value is too high, am I right? Well, my dear reader, the time has come to talk about bacteriuria.
We said that having some bacterial flora in the urine is quite normal, as long as the value does not exceed the threshold of 100,000 CFU/ml.
When this happens we speak of bacteriuria, which is the presence of bacteria in excessive amounts.
But how does it manifest itself?
Let’s say bacteriuria can be asymptomatic or associated with urinary tract infections, such as bacterial cystitis.
In this case, it will be necessary to undergo additional tests, such as urinoculture, so as to accurately detect bacteria in the urine through the analysis of a sample.
Before going any further, however, I would like to make a point.
If yours is an asymptomatic bacteriuria problem, you still should not underestimate it because it could turn into quite serious urinary (or even kidney) infections!
Having said that, let’s get on with it! 👇🏻
Of course, since we are talking about urinary tract infections, it must be said that they are not as pleasant as a walk in a flowery field.
So let’s review the most common symptoms:
However, if you do not show any symptoms, you may not notice an increase in bacterial flora until after the urine test.
But what are the consequences if action is not taken in time?
Let’s say that UTIs (urinary tract infections) can affect:
Read also: Cystitis and bladder endometriosis are often confused, but there is a way to recognize them
This type of infection affects women already at a young age, and the main reason is related to the fact that our urethra has a more limited length than that of men, so it is easier for, for example, feces, laden with bacteria, to contaminate the area.
But that is not all.
During pregnancy, the likelihood of infection increases due to dilation of the ureter, which leads to decreased urine flow and consequent increase in bacterial load.
Finally, another element that should not be underestimated is the presence of microorganisms that alter the bacterial flora.
I am talking about the now well-known E. coli, and I say well-known because we have talked about it over and over again in relation to cystitis. You have no idea how many women have to fight against this ‘nice’ bacteria! 🦠
E. coli is found in our intestines and is absolutely essential. But when this decides to take a walk along our urethra, it automatically becomes an unwanted guest.
In fact, the bacterium moves from the anus to the genital area, colonizing the urinary tract in situations of:
By colonize, I really mean that it divides and attacks the walls of the urinary tract.
But before you panic, wait!
There is a solution, and it is our Dimann brand product, Dimann Puro, which takes advantage of the therapeutic properties of D-mannose.
It is a plant-derived monosaccharide that prevents Escherichia coli from ‘sticking’ to bladder cells, thus allowing the bacterium to be expelled.
If you think you have a cystitis problem and don’t know how to solve it, tell me your story, I would be glad to help you!
A hug!