Cystitis in the Elderly

  1. Symptoms of cystitis in the elderly
  2. Causes
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Treatment and prevention
  5. Summary


Dear reader,

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most diagnosed infections among the elderly population: cystitis.

Older people are particularly susceptible to developing cystitis for a variety of reasons.

To start, as we age, the body’s immune response weakens along with muscle tone, including that of the bladder and pelvic floor.

A more relaxed urogenital musculature leads to incomplete emptying of the bladder of urine and incontinence, all of which contribute to the development of infections such as cystitis.

If cystitis typically manifests itself with burning and frequency of urination, the symptoms change in older people who may manifest, first, a state of confusion.

Let’s delve into what are the warning signs of cystitis in the elderly and how best to intervene.

Symptoms of Cystitis in the Elderly

As mentioned above, older people in the grip of cystitis may not experience the characteristic symptoms of the disease since their immune system, weakened by the passage of time, is not able to put in place a significant immune response.

Because of an elderly person’s body’s atypical response to cystitis, it is crucial to be able to recognize the other signs and symptoms.

Indicators of ongoing infection may be:

  • Incontinence.
  • Confusion.
  • Agitation.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Other unusual behavior.
  • Loss of coordination in movements.
  • Stun
  • Lethargy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Tendency to retain urine.
  • Vertigo.

If these symptoms are accompanied by fever, redness on the skin, nausea, and vomiting, we could be looking at signs that the infection has spread to the kidneys.

Causes of Cystitis in the Elderly

Just like the symptoms, the causes of cystitis in the elderly also differ from those typically associated with this condition.
In addition to the physiological changes associated with advancing age, lifestyle and the presence of other diseases can be specific risk factors on which it is important to intervene beyond the specific therapy against cystitis.

The causes of cystitis in the elderly are:

  • Diabetes, through the presence of sugars in the urine, a source of nourishment for pathogenic bacteria
  • Tendenza a trattenere le urine o incapacità di svuotare completamente la vescica,
    situations in which the ideal environment for the proliferation of bad bacteria is created
  • Catheter use, which can act as a vehicle for bacteria from the external genitalia to the bladder
  • Fecal incontinence, which can lead to fecal bacteria coming into direct contact with the external genitalia and, in particular, with the urethra through which they can travel up to the bladder
  • Urinary incontinence, due to contact with absorbent products that may facilitate the entry of bacteria through the urethra.
  • In men, an enlarged prostate can hinder the correct and complete expulsion of urine.
  • In women, the hormonal and physical changes associated with post-menopause
  • Surgeries that affected the area around the bladder.

Diagnosis of Cystitis in the Elderly

Vague and uncommon symptoms do not facilitate the diagnosis of cystitis in older subjects but, once suspicious behaviors are observed, a simple urine analysis can avert the presence of infection in the urinary tract.

There are also instruments for a first diagnosis at home such as the urine stick testwhich can detect the presence of nitrites and leucocytes in the urine, confirming the existence of an infection.
But be careful: the urine stick is not a tool with which to make a definitive diagnosis, but only the first step towards a more specific investigation by specialists.
In fact, bacteria are often present in the urine of older adults without necessarily linking to an infection and, therefore, cystitis.

Cystitis in the Elderly: Treatment and Prevention

Cystitis in the elderly is typically treated through the administration of narrow-spectrum antibiotics.

With your doctor’s approval, you can also intervene through the use of natural ingredients such as D-mannose, which supports the process of expulsion of pathogenic bacteria from the bladder. I also wrote about it Cystitis and D-Mannose.

To reduce the likelihood of your aging loved one falling victim to cystitis, make sure the following tips are put into practice:

  • Drink a lot of water, a behavior that we tend to practice less and less as we age.
  • Cambiare spesso i prodotti assorbenti usati per l’incontinenza, in modo da non lasciare via libera ai batteri di proliferare;
  • Keep the genital area clean.
  • Avoid vaginal douches.
  • Go pee as soon as you feel the urge.
  • Use D-Mannose to hinder recurrences, naturally and without any unwanted effects.
  • Wear breathable cotton underwear and be sure to change it often.

Taking care of our loved ones is the greatest demonstration of affection.
and knowing how best to do so is the first step in ensuring that our help is worthwhile.

If you have any other questions about this topic or cystitis more generally,
I’m at your disposal. here.

A hug,




In this article, we covered the symptoms, causes, and remedies of cystitis in the elderly.

  • The symptoms of cystitis detectable in older individuals are different from those generally associated with this condition. Unusual behavior or a sense of confusion can be warning signs.
  • The causes of cystitis in the elderly are mostly attributable to physiological changes in the body, the presence of diabetes, the use of catheters, or a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diagnosis of cystitis in the elderly can be made by a urine analysis.
  • Cystitis in the elderly is treated with the use of specific antibiotics against the bacteria that cause it, but the situation can also be improved by using pure D-Mannose
  • By adopting a series of behaviors you can reduce the incidence of cystitis in the elderly.

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