Cystitis and leg pain? When to worry and when not to worry

My dear friend,

if you suffer from cystitis and complain of particular leg discomfort, know that you are reading the right article.

I start by telling you that you are not alone and that we are here to help you. 🥰

Today, in fact, we focus on the symptoms of this infection so hated by us women, with an emphasis on leg pain (which seems to be related to a particular type of cystitis).

After that, we will see how to treat it effectively with 100% natural remedies.

Ready? Let’s get started! 💪🏼

Cystitis and leg pain: causes and remedies for this unbearable inflammation

Leg pain during cystitis: a rare (but very annoying) symptom

It is known that cystitis is a rather painful and annoying inflammation that affects 9 out of 10 women.

So, my dear friend, we’ve all been there!

It is often caused by intestinal bacteria that, instead of staying where they should, decide to take a walk down the urinary tract and reproduce at our expense.

But what are the consequences?

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty peeing;
  • Feeling of not having emptied the bladder completely;
  • Frequent and painful urination;
  • Cramps and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Malodorous and cloudy urine;
  • Presence of blood in the urine.

In short, it’s not the best.

However, you should know that many girls have written to tell me about somewhat less frequent (but no less bothersome) symptoms, including chills, muscle spasms, and severe leg pain.

In fact, it is quite likely that those suffering from interstitial cystitis complain of excessive sensitivity not only to nerves in the bladder, but also to those in the hips, back, pelvis, and inner thigh.

It may surprise you, but if you find yourself in what I just wrote, know that you are not the only one! 💪🏼 These symptoms are quite common when dealing with cystitis, especially in the absence of body heat rise.

If you didn’t understand what I mean, don’t worry, I’ll explain it now.

Simply put, when we experience intense pain, our body releases adrenaline as a protective mechanism.

And why does he do that?

Adrenaline ‘withdraws’ blood from the more peripheral areas of the body–such as the hands, feet, and skin–to carry it to the heart, brain, and muscles (not surprisingly, we turn pale and break out in cold sweats in these situations).

There, this shift of blood cools the peripheral areas, causing the famous chills. Therefore, these muscle contractions serve to combat the feeling of cold, which would explain why you feel severe pain in your legs, hips, back, etc. ❄️

Read also: Evening cystitis: why it happens and how to distinguish it from urethritis

Cystitis: what happens if it is not treated immediately

Like all infections, you can’t expect to let it go and put off your appointment with the specialist.

For one thing, untreated cystitis could become chronic, which means the symptoms could worsen:

  • Burning during urination increases;
  • the pains and cramps intensify;
  • fever could rise to 38°. 🌡

Second, the infection could spread and reach the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

Although the symptomatology is quite similar and easily confused, this inflammation is quite different from cystitis and, if left untreated, may require surgical intervention. 😦

Finally, if you cannot identify obvious causes and the problem occurs too frequently, you should request a urological examination so as to rule out serious diseases such as kidney stones or transitional bladder neoplasia.

Cystitis do not fear you: there is a solution

If you’re tired of fighting cystitis, here’s some good news: there is a natural remedy.

To be honest, however, there are two ways to treat this troublesome inflammation: antibiotics and D-mannose, and in this in-depth discussion I explain which is the better choice.

If you have never heard of D-mannose, I will now summarize in two words what it is and how it works.

It is a monosaccharide (thus a simple sugar) of plant origin that has been shown to be particularly beneficial for the treatment of cystitis.

You should know that its effectiveness depends on the source from which it is extracted, and the D-mannose contained in birch is of higher quality than that found in other plant species.

For this reason, our company makes its products-available individually or in convenient kits-from this plant, which are well suited to every stage of inflammation, including prevention.

Okay, but so how does D-mannose treat cystitis? To make you understand this, it is necessary to take a step back.

Did you know that 80% of cystitis cases are caused by the bacterium known as Escherichia coli? This obnoxious microorganism has little legs that allow it to ‘cling’ to the walls of uterine tissue and reproduce.

Lo and behold, these little paws have a flaw (fortunately for us): they are particularly sensitive to D-mannose, which, when taken, allows you to expel the bacteria while peeing, cleaning out the bladder and the entire urinary tract.

Escherichia coli was just one example, but there are several bacteria sensitive to this monosaccharide, including:

  • Klebsiella;
  • Shigella;
  • Salmonella;
  • Enterococcus;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Citrobacter.

So if you think you are suffering from cystitis, here is what you can do:

👩🏻‍⚕️ talk to your gynecologist (or gynecologist);

🧪 perform urinoculture to detect the presence of bacteria;

🗒 fill out the Find Your Path test and answer all the questions related to your habits;

🗣 tell me your story: we Dimann Girls are always listening! 🥰

A hug!


Read also: Bacterial flora in urine: these are the reference values

Today’s article in a nutshell

  • Leg pain is a symptom, albeit less common, related to interstitial cystitis.
  • Untreated cystitis can lead to serious consequences, such as chronic cystitis or kidney infections.
  • D-mannose is a sugar that allows you to expel the most common intestinal bacteria by peeing, thus cleaning out the bladder (plus, it is a great ally for cystitis prevention! 😉).

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